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Младший отряд пишет более легкие картины, старший отряд более сложные. Все картины дети забирают с собой.    

Мягкая игрушка

Дети своими руками шьют мягкую игрушку, которая потом долго напоминает им о лагере.    


Учим азам страйкбола, и играем в ролевую игру, где нужно спасти заложников.    


Учим как лучше снимать и вести свой блок в соцсетях и разные фишки Тик-Тока.

- about us -

We are the best summer camp!

7Hills Camp is for Boys and Girls.

Nestled on the sandy beaches of beautiful Lake Ossipee amidst the White Mountains of New Hampshire, Camp offers a summer experience rich in fun, friendship, learning and adventure. Campers range in age from seven to fifteen.

It was the best summer camp ever! I had great time here and have
met a lot of new friends! I’ll be back!
It was the best summer camp ever! I had great time here and have
met a lot of new friends! I’ll be back!
It was the best summer camp ever! I had great time here and have
met a lot of new friends! I’ll be back!
Methew Green7 y.o.
Lisa Simpson10 y.o.
Alisia Mann9 y.o.
- our staff -

Meet Our Leadership

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Альдибекова Алтынай
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Касымов Санжар
Начальник лагеря
Мусапирова Арайлым
Мусапирова Арайлым
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official blog updates

We Teach Your Kids that Responibility is Fun

We Teach Your Kids that Responibility is Fun

Phasellus semper nisi eu quam eleifend, eu tullam vel pellentesque tortor, nec ornare enim.

The Widest Range of Activities for Everyone

The Widest Range of Activities for Everyone

Phasellus semper nisi eu quam eleifend, eu tullam vel pellentesque tortor, nec ornare enim.

Only the Best Equipment and Supplies for Your Children

Only the Best Equipment and Supplies for Your Children

Phasellus semper nisi eu quam eleifend, eu tullam vel pellentesque tortor, nec ornare enim.

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